What are the benefits of hiring a garden coach?

Gardening is such a great hobby, but it can take time, financial resources, and space to get started. Unless you have a lot of time to do the research, you can spend quite a few seasons with little to no results. That’s where garden education and coaching can be extremely helpful.

Hiring a garden coach can benefit you in a variety of ways:

  1. Knowledge and expertise: Garden coaches have a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you set up your garden, choose the right plants, proper feeding and spacing, and more!

  2. Saves you time: If you are new to gardening or have a busy schedule, a garden coach can help you save time by guiding you through the process of planning, planting, and maintaining your garden.

  3. Improved yields: With the help of a garden coach, you can learn how to grow healthy plants that produce a high yield. Proper feeding is important in an organic garden and if you don’t feed your vegetables correctly, you don’t take advantage of the full yield possibilities your vegetables have.

  4. Protects your investment: Hiring a garden coach can save you money down the line because you’re less likely to purchase the wrong products or set up your garden incorrectly.

  5. Personalized advice: A garden coach can provide you with individualized advice that pertains to your gardening situation.

At In Bloom Kitchen Gardens you can get personalized coaching two ways. You can get private in-person coaching on a variety of garden topics or you can sign up for the Tier One Room to Grow subscription and get access to online monthly Zoom calls for a discounted price. Either way, there are options to help you with your gardening needs.


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