Having a Low Water Landscape Doesn’t Always Mean Cacti and Succulents

This recent heat wave in Southern California just reiterates how important it is to make drought & heat tolerant plant choices in our landscape. Our recent project at Vintique Alley, in Riverside, CA got us excited about mixing a monochromatic color scheme of white roses and Russian sage with deer grass (a California native plant), French lavender, and coastal rosemary. All of these plants are drought and heat tolerant and provide a classic garden look for our favorite antique store!

We integrated the new landscaping into the existing plants, which were doing well and it would be a waste to get rid of them. The black mulch has natural dye and was used to match the existing landscape.

Check out how our project progressed! You can also see the finished project in our Portfolio.


Riverside, We Are Entering the Cool Season!


Climate Change & Our Gardens